Monday, October 3, 2011

Vaccine stories

Well, I have figured out I don't have the time to create and blog about various topics of interests like I would like to, BUT, I do encounter a rich variety of odds and ends that I would like to catalog and save for future reference.
So, next up...a daily, or almost daily log of the various vaccine reactions that I encounter on a day to day basis!
Feel free to comment :)



  1. From the second my wonderful son was born the only thing that was wrong (using the word very loosely) with him was that we were told the entire pregnancy we were having a girl, and viola...the second I pushed out the baby, our girl turned into a bouncing baby boy! Imagine the surprise! Guess that ultrasound tech was WAY off that day I went in.
    Also imagine the surprise of ALL of the questions from the nurses in the hurried rush of just popping out your baby, finding out she is now a he (!), asking what his name is (like I really have a clue b/c nobody told me to pick a boys name), watching him get weighed and measured, to asking you "is he getting the HepB shot?" and I think everyone in the room (of course very close family) responded "no".
    Not another question about shots was asked until...I took Jon in for his 1mo appt, and his 2mo appt, and his 4mo appt, and every appt up to today. Every damn appt we hear the stories of how the Amish community in Minnesota had a Polio outbreak, and how vaccines prevent deadly diseases. Excuse me- I'm not f-ing Amish and I do not live in Minnesota. And don't think for 1 second that I'm an uneducated new parent, because I'm educated and I do know what is best for my child.
    To this very second, my son has had 0 vaccines and has been sick ONE time. That ONE day was kind of tough- Jon was warm from the minute he woke up in the morning until we took his temp for the last time about 6pm and it was close to 104. By the time we got to the ER (30mins away) it had climbed to 106 rectal temp. WOW. Baby boy was lethargic, almost unresponsive to Momma and Daddy, we were scared, but I just knew he'd be okay. What do they call it...Mother's Intuition? I've had it since Jon arrived on this Earth.
    Immediately upon seeing the ER doc he asked "is he up to date on all of his vaccines?" I replied "no, he hasn't had any." And the ER doc said "ooh, why is that? Is it because you do not believe in them? I happen to be a big advocate for immunizations" I said "no I do not for infants." From that moment every time the ER doc talked to us the sentence started with "because your son isn't immunized...". Blah, blah, blah was all I heard after that. I was literally staring at the wall. That night Jon had blood draws, xrays to check for pneumonia, etc. They sent us home with an antibiotic "since your son isn't immunized and has a really high chance of contracting a bacterial infection and viruses" which Jon took for 2 days, told us to monitor him every 4hrs and rotate Tylenol/Ibuprofen and return to the dr on Monday. The very next day, not even 10hrs later Jon was totally fine, no temp, totally his normal playful self.

    At the Monday checkup Jon was taken off the antibiotic, and dr said he looked just fine, all clear. Now, from my personal research I would like to think Jon had Roseola, which there isn't a vaccine for, and dr didn't say/know what Jon had.
    Jon goes to a very large daycare facility 5 days per week, for 12hrs a day. He is exposed to pretty much every damn illness/disease out there. One child in his "baby room" had Scarlett Fever, but Jon didn't get it. My personal opinion is that my child has a beautiful immune system, even better than his Momma's!
    Thanks so much Gayl for your continued research and education. Without your knowledge and voice, my precious baby would've been given every vaccine on the "list". And my heart aches to think of what would've happened to him.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing!!! This is the "other side" that folks need to hear about!
