Saturday, January 5, 2013

"The Worst Flu Season Ever"

Such was the headline for a newsbit that I saw this morning. The program went on to say how a growing number of people were sick with influenza that was worse than years prior.

It occurred to me that this was a curious event, given increased number of vaccines given, especially since many hospitals and other health care venues are "mandating" vaccination. I thought of my coworkers at my own place of employment who have been afflicted over the past 2 months (Nov and Dec) with a "cold" that has them down for several weeks and a "stomach flu" lasting up to a week, and dropping even the most robust healthy adult. In fact I dare say I am the only one at my place of employment who has not suffered from either malady, while those around me sneezed and coughed and quietly retreated to vomit.

More influenza vaccines given than ever, increased incidence of influenza with more serious symptoms than usual, and increased numbers of other viral illnesses causing significant school and work absenteeism. 

I posted something to that effect on Facebook today and I felt I had to share one of the responses I got:

"... it is interesting and what I find SO interesting is these people who all got the "flu" shot {Flumist} around me ended up with the flu WTF? Like actually tested + for influenza. What is even better is I was exposed in a small room with someone who tested + for influenza I stayed overnight in that room yet me the "stupid" unvaccinated person never got it. I took precautions and loaded up with vitamin c. And i was talking with the allergy specialist at UW yesterday about vaccines and "K" has made me really wonder what we are doing to our kids. I mean he is my only without vaccines and he is my only who has not had pneumonia, multiple ear infections, RSV, or whooping cough. My vaccinated children are so sickly and my non vaccinated one is pretty healthy. All 4 kids brought home to the same home, fed the same way, with the same dog in the home, yet the only difference is the lack of shots injected into my baby..."
(emphasis added)

So as the "fight" heats up, I beg that everyone really examine what is going on, forget the fear being driven into you by the media and pharmaceutical companies (the same entities driving the fear into doctors, nurses, and public health officials), and think logically about what is occurring around you.

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