The next few blogs will revolve around some personal health issues for me. I carry a clinical diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis/mixed connective tissue disease, which in retrospect I believe was the culmination of yearly influenza shots (given at no "cost" so kindly by my former employer) topped off by a TdaP booster back in 2007. I have run the mill of standard therapy including Celebrex, Prednisone, Methotrexate, Plaquenil, Colchicine, and Enbrel with some success, but generally still fairly disabled (compared to my prior lifestyle) in my personal and professional life.
I tried acupuncture courtesy of a colleage who had gotten his certification with rather amazing results, however time conflicts prevented the regular therapy that I likely needed to maintain my healing. I stumbled across taking peppermint oil orally in 2011, through a friend, at the same time I had to withhold my biologic medication due to illness. Mysteriously, I remained symptom free as the weeks passed, and the swelling and pain in my joints disappeared completely.
I still was plagued by severe fatigue and muscle pain out of proportion to my activity levels, and unable to do any meaningful exercise without risking not being able to go to work. My increasing network of friends in the autism and vaccine safety communities on FB made me aware of mitochondrial dysfunction. As I researched this syndrome I finally found a clinical diagnosis that truly did fit each and every symptom I had.
So now I had a working diagnosis I believed in (certainly still carrying a large autoimmune component, I believe, which made sense since the drugs to treat autoimmune disease DID help) and I started on a supplement regimen geared toward mitochondrial disease along with my peppermint oil. I found I was able to stop the Celebrex, and over the course of the next few months my antidepressants. This was GREAT!!!
I did have several "flares" when work and personal obligations spiraled out of control, but recovery could be accomplished over 1 or 2 days rather than weeks. I also changed my diet to more of the "Paleo" sort, had regular chiropractic care, and started some hormone therapy which did me wonders as well. Life was good!
My biggest lapse came after I ran out of peppermint oil back in June. After 1 week without it, I had the worst recurrence of my fatigue, joint swelling, and everything else. I am still trying to recover from that, and finally succumbed to taking the last 2 Enbrel shots I had been saving in my fridge for just such a moment. Getting refills covered by my insurance without seeing my rheumatologist again was impossible (the drug costs $1200/mo).
So now I am embarking on a new journey through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which includes acupuncture, and continuing my supplements.
Today is day #2, and the aching joints in my hands have been relieved - still have a lot of aching and fatigue elsewhere, but a marked improvement. It is my intent to track my experience with acupuncture to describe for myself, as well as anyone who cares to follow me, the marvelous sensation of energy moving around me and through me...