Friday, September 9, 2011

"I Don't Know....

Google: ...but I will find out."
"I don't know" has to be among the most difficult phrases a doctor must utter from time to time. Well, let me adjust that comment...must is not quite correct. There are some that will not say it, regardless of whether they are speaking to a patient, friend, or family member.
Where these 3 meager words acquired their cloak of darkness I do not know. It must have been somewhere along the way when physicians began to embrace their status of "God".

None of us have or ever will have complete knowledge of ANYTHING. Get used to it. It is OK. It is exciting - to not know everything lends an opportunity every single day to learn something new - as long as one takes the extra step of trying to learn.

As for those who insist that they DO know far, far away. That person is dangerous. Either they do not know what they do not know, or they lie.

'via Blog this'

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Something new!

I am hoping to create a forum for the discussion of "real medicine" topics - the kind of thing you cannot find at your Dr's office, on Dr. Oz's website, or at your local pharmacy counter.
There are so many facets of medicine today that have been tainted by greed and power, it is virtually impossible to stray away from the mainstream line of thinking without being labeled as "a quack" or "out there". 
I feel that we have forgotten our fathers, so to speak, and the roots of modern day medicine lie not in the newest technological advances, but in the basic building blocks of the earth: sunshine, water, and fertile soil. 
The more our society tries to move away from these basic building blocks, via unnatural foods, manipulation of our immune system, and unnatural work conditions, the further we tumble into the current epidemic of obesity, cancer, depression, and generally poor health.
Fortunately I have woken from the spell placed upon me, so here I go....please have patience with this site as I navigate this wonderful new tool for publicizing the solutions to issues that I see at my office everyday, or at least providing some "food for thought" about them.