This link leads to an article regarding a momma who received $475,000 from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation program for the death of her daughter from lupus caused by Hep B vaccination. This is real.
I haven't scrolled through all of the links yet, but they appear to lead to much valid information regarding the dangers of the Hepatitis B vaccine. Even if you already believe, I invite you to explore it further and arm yourself with ready information, facts, and references that you can share with others.
10% of people who get "real" Hepatitis B also develop a variety of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, inflammatory arthritis, etc. It is caused by a reaction to part of the virus - the same part of the virus used in the Hep B vax - therefore one would expect that 10% of vax recipients would also develop the same reaction, and likely more, given the other components of the vaccine that could cause an inflammatory response - that's a lot of kids and healthcare workers with autoimmune disease...
The virus is also cultured in a specific type of yeast, which is quite common in our natural environment. However antibodies to this very particular type of yeast are found in the intestinal mucosa of people with inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's, Ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease (wheat or gluten sensitivity).
Before my "awakening" I had made a mental note of disbelief at the numbers of fellow healthcare workers with rheumatoid arthritis, as well as the astronomical number of people who were being diagnosed with celiac disease and other intestinal troubles.
It is all becoming clearer to me now.
A compendium of thoughts, facts, opinions on a variety of topics in medicine with the main focus on areas of controversy such as vaccinations, nutrition, and additives in our food. For anyone seeking the TRUTH, not the mainstream propaganda served up to us by the media and "powers that be".
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Annual childhood flu vaccines may interfere with development of crossresistance
ScienceDaily (2011-11-16) -- Vaccinating children annually against influenza virus interferes with their development of cross-reactive killer T cells to flu viruses generally, according to a new study. The research points up potentially conflicting policy outcomes. Annual flu vaccines are effective against seasonal flu, but could leave people more vulnerable to novel pandemics.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
"What Do I Say???"
A few days ago I saw one of my patients for a routine OB visit. I had delivered her first child a little over 2 years ago. I had noticed she came in with some papers in hand about vaccine information that she had pulled off the internet. As we finished up her visit, she looked a little nervous, and said she had a few questions about her son. She shared the information she had with me, some of the standard information about vaccinating your child, and the potential horrors one might face if they do not do so.
Ironically, this patient was the very one who opened my eyes to how much healthier my non-vaccinated pediatric patients are. She had brought her son in for his one year visit, and mentioned how wondrous someone was that he was never really sick. I mentally thumbed through the kids I had delivered over the past 2 years, and realized how profound that difference was. They really don't come in sick very often. An occasional phone call about a cold, maybe an ear infection, but certainly not the endless parade of sick visits over the first year of life which most pediatricians and family doctors are familiar with. Which inspired me to research the whole business even more, and start keeping track. When I publish these numbers, sometime soon I hope, I will be sure to give her due recognition for that epiphany!
She has been facing a lot of pressure from her family and friends because she has chosen not to vaccinate her son yet. Her family has essentially told her she is irresponsible and that her doctor is a whack job.
She broke down into tears while telling me that there are people who don't want her son in their play group because he is not vaccinated. And then she is also scared about having her son exposed to others because he is not vaccinated, and could run the risk of getting sick.
I sat there and listened, growing sadder by the second. What on earth do I say? What on earth do I do?
For all intents and purposes at this point in time I AM the whackjob. I have chosen to challenge one of the pillars of not only our society, but of modern medicine.
Do I give in and start an abbreviated vaccine schedule? Do I just tell her to lie to other people? From what do I ask her to draw the strength to continue to do the right thing in the face of such pressure?
As it happened, I had been invited to give a talk about the safety of vaccines at a local chiropractors office a couple of days later, and she was able to attend. This chiropractor has 9 children, none of whom have been vaccinated, and has run the gamut of childhood illnesses with them, including measles. She was able to talk to him as well as other parents who have opted down the same road. I think I saw a bit of relief on her face by the end of the evening, and likewise I think I too felt better.
This patient had unknowingly led me to a second epiphany. Here is part of an email I sent her:
I went on to list a few of the links I find the most helpful. She has met other parents now, and knows she is not alone. What I realize now is how much more preparation I need to give parents who are not already familiar with the vaccination safety issue. I wish I could take away some of the mental pain she has experienced. Hopefully, I can save future parents some of that angst, and she forgives me for my ignorance.
I know in my heart that she will find solace in knowing she has done the right thing for her very healthy son, and be better prepared when she brings his little brother or sister into the world.
She is not done researching her decision yet, but that is the entire point of this whole situation....DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Don't be swayed by fear and pressure to conform from either side. Those are not good reasons to make potentially life-altering decisions for yourself and your children.
Ironically, this patient was the very one who opened my eyes to how much healthier my non-vaccinated pediatric patients are. She had brought her son in for his one year visit, and mentioned how wondrous someone was that he was never really sick. I mentally thumbed through the kids I had delivered over the past 2 years, and realized how profound that difference was. They really don't come in sick very often. An occasional phone call about a cold, maybe an ear infection, but certainly not the endless parade of sick visits over the first year of life which most pediatricians and family doctors are familiar with. Which inspired me to research the whole business even more, and start keeping track. When I publish these numbers, sometime soon I hope, I will be sure to give her due recognition for that epiphany!
She has been facing a lot of pressure from her family and friends because she has chosen not to vaccinate her son yet. Her family has essentially told her she is irresponsible and that her doctor is a whack job.
She broke down into tears while telling me that there are people who don't want her son in their play group because he is not vaccinated. And then she is also scared about having her son exposed to others because he is not vaccinated, and could run the risk of getting sick.
I sat there and listened, growing sadder by the second. What on earth do I say? What on earth do I do?
For all intents and purposes at this point in time I AM the whackjob. I have chosen to challenge one of the pillars of not only our society, but of modern medicine.
Do I give in and start an abbreviated vaccine schedule? Do I just tell her to lie to other people? From what do I ask her to draw the strength to continue to do the right thing in the face of such pressure?
As it happened, I had been invited to give a talk about the safety of vaccines at a local chiropractors office a couple of days later, and she was able to attend. This chiropractor has 9 children, none of whom have been vaccinated, and has run the gamut of childhood illnesses with them, including measles. She was able to talk to him as well as other parents who have opted down the same road. I think I saw a bit of relief on her face by the end of the evening, and likewise I think I too felt better.
This patient had unknowingly led me to a second epiphany. Here is part of an email I sent her:
You also made me realize, when you came in a couple of days ago, how much pressure someone can get for making such a decision. How tough that decision can be. That I need to really prepare parents with tons of info...
I went into medicine to be a healer...part of our oath on graduating is "First, do no harm", which I take very seriously. I also take personal choice very seriously, so whatever the decision might be, I will respect that.
I went on to list a few of the links I find the most helpful. She has met other parents now, and knows she is not alone. What I realize now is how much more preparation I need to give parents who are not already familiar with the vaccination safety issue. I wish I could take away some of the mental pain she has experienced. Hopefully, I can save future parents some of that angst, and she forgives me for my ignorance.
I know in my heart that she will find solace in knowing she has done the right thing for her very healthy son, and be better prepared when she brings his little brother or sister into the world.
She is not done researching her decision yet, but that is the entire point of this whole situation....DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Don't be swayed by fear and pressure to conform from either side. Those are not good reasons to make potentially life-altering decisions for yourself and your children.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Would You Please Put This Mask On...
The nurse practitioner I work with was kind enough to share this story with me...
M.W., the mom of a baby girl I recently delivered, and opted not to vaccinate yet, brought her to a local clinic due to acute illness. Upon hearing that baby girl had not yet been vaccinated, there was a rush to provide masks and condemning lectures about the dangers of not vaccinating. Nasal swabs were taken, surely to provide vital bits of accusatory evidence to the health department.
"We just had 2 confirmed cases of pertussis..." she was told disapprovingly. "In VACCINATED children!!!"
M.W. apparently sort of stared and laughed at the same time.
Does anyone else get the irony of this? Can any half way intelligent person seriously get all fired up about not vaccinating and then make that statement without pausing a moment to think how ridiculous they sound?
M.W.'s baby girl does not have pertussis, nor does the rest of her family, merely the latest viral upper respiratory infection to make the rounds 'round these parts. Her cough went away after a few days, and she grows infinitely cuter by the second...
M.W., the mom of a baby girl I recently delivered, and opted not to vaccinate yet, brought her to a local clinic due to acute illness. Upon hearing that baby girl had not yet been vaccinated, there was a rush to provide masks and condemning lectures about the dangers of not vaccinating. Nasal swabs were taken, surely to provide vital bits of accusatory evidence to the health department.
"We just had 2 confirmed cases of pertussis..." she was told disapprovingly. "In VACCINATED children!!!"
M.W. apparently sort of stared and laughed at the same time.
Does anyone else get the irony of this? Can any half way intelligent person seriously get all fired up about not vaccinating and then make that statement without pausing a moment to think how ridiculous they sound?
M.W.'s baby girl does not have pertussis, nor does the rest of her family, merely the latest viral upper respiratory infection to make the rounds 'round these parts. Her cough went away after a few days, and she grows infinitely cuter by the second...
Monday, October 10, 2011
I recently found myself in a very unique and thought provoking position - a good friend of mine called to ask if I would be the "ordering physician" for the flu vaccine to be given at a work site where she was doing health screenings.
My first thoughts (and I believe the first words out of my mouth to her) was "ARE YOU F'ING NUTS????? YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!"
Fortunately, we are very good friends, and that didn't phase her and she continued to explain the situation a bit more to me. Strings of expletives zipped through my consciousness the entire time, but the small (some might say very small) rational part of my brain did listen to what she was telling me.
Said rational part of my brain was able to soothe my silent temper tantrum, and I began to think, maybe, just maybe, this could be a grand opportunity to further my research as well as public education of the misconceptions regarding influenza vaccination.
The answer I came up with?
Provide REAL information and safety guidelines for this "flu shot clinic", like those I've been yammering about for the past several years:
- I rewrote the Screening Questionnaire that is typically handed out to patients and identify those who should NOT get the vaccine, especially in a non medical setting.
- I wrote my own VIS (Vaccine Information Statement) to highlight all of the lies by omission contained in the CDC version, to be reviewed with each individual patient. This is available in it's entirety in my previous post.
- I outlined the proper steps in documenting the vaccination and providing ready means for patients to report adverse reactions.
It's actually the same thing I do at my clinic. Someone asked me the other day what do I do when a patient just insists on getting the flu shot. I simply provide them with the complete story, outline risks and benefits, and if they still want it, they get it...I have done MY job to counsel as best I can, what they do with the information is their own choice. I would rather the vaccine be given at my clinic where proper counsel and medical care can be given than at the local pharmacy, where it is offered up along with the candy bar of the day, with no thought given to the medical risks of either!
Hopefully this will break some cracks into the carefully crafted dogma the CDC has created and shed light on the fact the influenza vaccine is not a panacea, but something creating it's own epidemic of illness. Perhaps it can also become a tool to track information regarding days lost at work due to illness in the vaccinated and non vaccinated population.
Perhaps today just ONE person will opt against receiving the flu vaccine, that would have ended up getting it anyway at their local Walgreen's or clinic, because of the information I provided. And perhaps that one person will share the information with their family or friends.
If that is the case, then I think, this might be the start of good...of course, I'm still mulling over whether or not I "did the right thing"....
My first thoughts (and I believe the first words out of my mouth to her) was "ARE YOU F'ING NUTS????? YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!"
Fortunately, we are very good friends, and that didn't phase her and she continued to explain the situation a bit more to me. Strings of expletives zipped through my consciousness the entire time, but the small (some might say very small) rational part of my brain did listen to what she was telling me.
Said rational part of my brain was able to soothe my silent temper tantrum, and I began to think, maybe, just maybe, this could be a grand opportunity to further my research as well as public education of the misconceptions regarding influenza vaccination.
So my next task was to figure out how to help out my friend and not be a complete hypocritical, sell out to my beliefs. And some of you out there may think I did sell out a bit by participating, but that's OK, because I'm still trying to convince myself I haven't, too.
The answer I came up with?
Provide REAL information and safety guidelines for this "flu shot clinic", like those I've been yammering about for the past several years:
- I rewrote the Screening Questionnaire that is typically handed out to patients and identify those who should NOT get the vaccine, especially in a non medical setting.
- I wrote my own VIS (Vaccine Information Statement) to highlight all of the lies by omission contained in the CDC version, to be reviewed with each individual patient. This is available in it's entirety in my previous post.
- I outlined the proper steps in documenting the vaccination and providing ready means for patients to report adverse reactions.
It's actually the same thing I do at my clinic. Someone asked me the other day what do I do when a patient just insists on getting the flu shot. I simply provide them with the complete story, outline risks and benefits, and if they still want it, they get it...I have done MY job to counsel as best I can, what they do with the information is their own choice. I would rather the vaccine be given at my clinic where proper counsel and medical care can be given than at the local pharmacy, where it is offered up along with the candy bar of the day, with no thought given to the medical risks of either!
Hopefully this will break some cracks into the carefully crafted dogma the CDC has created and shed light on the fact the influenza vaccine is not a panacea, but something creating it's own epidemic of illness. Perhaps it can also become a tool to track information regarding days lost at work due to illness in the vaccinated and non vaccinated population.
Perhaps today just ONE person will opt against receiving the flu vaccine, that would have ended up getting it anyway at their local Walgreen's or clinic, because of the information I provided. And perhaps that one person will share the information with their family or friends.
If that is the case, then I think, this might be the start of good...of course, I'm still mulling over whether or not I "did the right thing"....
Facts About the Flu Shot
The media and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has launched a very successful campaign to cause widespread fear of influenza, and convince patients and doctors alike, that we can protect ourselves and our loved ones by getting the flu shot.
This is very simply not true. Many numbers and “facts” as presented through the media have been influenced and distorted by those with financial interests in selling the vaccine.
FALSE: Influenza kills 36,000 people in the US every year.
In very fine print in the CDC fliers you will see that “influenza and influenza like illness” are grouped into the same category. “Influenza like illness is defined as a fever >100.4 and either a sore throat or cough”.
FALSE: By getting the flu vaccine you can protect yourself from influenza and may also avoid spreading the influenza to others.
There is no scientific evidence published supporting this statement as of a review done in 2010.
FALSE: The influenza vaccine protects the elderly and young infants/children.
At best, reviews suggest an approximate 33% effectiveness only in children older than two. There is no evidence of any benefit in the >65 year old population.
FALSE: The influenza vaccine protects patients with health problems and weak immune systems.
Quite the opposite – even in the manufacturer’s insert, it is documented that this population has a minimal, if any response. There also seems to be a higher risk for side effects from the vaccine in this population.
FALSE: The influenza vaccine help prevent missed work and school.
The information statement by the CDC admits that frequent, “mild” side effects include the same symptoms as influenza, including fever, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, etc. – the same symptoms as having “real” influenza. This occurs in >10% of those getting the vaccine. Less than 1% of people going to the doctor during peak influenza season actually have influenza.
FALSE: The risk of a vaccine causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small.
The CDC quotes only 5/1,000 people have a “serious” reaction. According to the package insert in people over age 65, 70/1000 people have a serious reaction (like hospitalization), and 6/1000 die.
FALSE: The influenza vaccine is safe.
Safety numbers come from a national databank of reported vaccine reactions, called VAERS. It is estimated that only 1% of vaccine reactions are reported. Most of the studies follow patients for a very short time, and actually don’t include the very people at highest risk for side effects.
FALSE: The influenza vaccine can prevent heart attacks.
Quite the opposite – Recent studies have proven that the same inflammation that increases risk of heart attack when someone actually has influenza is caused by the vaccine. Likely worse, given that the body also produces a response to the other chemicals in the vaccine as well.
Other important information:
- The “preservative-free” formulation of Fluzone does contain latex in the tip caps, and can cause serious allergic reaction in those with sensitivity to latex.
- The multidose vials of Fluzone DO contain thimerosal (mercury), including those for children. If these vials are not properly shaken, those receiving the 4th and 5th dose may be getting a very large load of mercury.
- The influenza vaccine is Pregnancy Category C. This means it has not been tested in pregnant women, and there is really no knowledge about the harm it may cause.
- The influenza virus is grown in chicken embryos. It is well known that there are many “bird” viruses we do know about, and more we don’t know about.
- Other contents of vaccine include formaldehyde (can cause cancer), Triton X (chemical that acts like estrogen and is causing much harm environmentally, and can affect fertility, sexual development, and likely certain cancers).
· The best way to protect yourself is to make sure you are taking at least 2,000IU of Vitamin D daily. This has been shown to be effective, and there are no side effects.
Good sources for more information that are not influenced by politics and money: (National Vaccine Information Center) (International Medical Council on Vaccinations)
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
Albert Einstein
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
"Just do what you are told and everything will be OK..."
I came across this video posted by a friend on Facebook. So apropos given recent events.
WARNING: You might pee yourself laughing while watching this!
WARNING: You might pee yourself laughing while watching this!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
"Never Sacrifice Who You Are..."
Came home after a looooong day at work, and still "on call" for the rest of the night. The photo is one of the first posts I saw upon logging onto FaceBook...I needed to see was a great summation of my day, and fired up the last few remaining vibes of energy in my sagging spirit.
Flu shot clinics are in full swing where I work, and in every friendly neighborhood pharmacy around the area. I even got a canned message from one of the local chains (Lord knows how they got my number...) that they are ready to serve me up a flu vax, and I should come down there and check it out!
For the last 2 years I have been feverishly trying to educate my patients about what the media and CDC "forget" to tell them amidst the fear mongering TV ads and magazine articles.
Things like the Cochrane collaboration (the "gold" standard of evidence based medicine used by physicians all over the world) not being able to find a single study to support the effectiveness of the flu shot, except for those unabashedly influenced by the drug companies who sponsored them; things like the CDC essentially lying about death rates from influenza; things like the real adverse reactions that could be expected from the vaccine; things like the lack of appropriate safety trials among those patients (infants and elderly) who are at most risk from both influenza and side effects of vaccination; things like just taking Vitamin D can be more effective, without ANY side effects. The list can go on and on...
My efforts at education have earned me some negative attention, of course. Here I am, a run-of-the-mill, Mid-western, allopathic physician telling my patients exactly opposite of what the party line has been for years now. Tch-tch-tch... I had a series of emails from "the powers that be" today that prompted a rather passionate, albeit somewhat sarcastic response from me this evening, some of which I will share here:
"As far as the flu clinics go, I know they will be run through here. I actually prefer that they come here for their flu shot so that they get REAL informed consent and not the propaganda (since that word seems to be popular lately) pushed upon us by the media and the pharmaceutical companies. If they still want it, fine…
As far as rights go, I know a lot of people who would like to be able to smoke while waiting for their appt…I am against smoking and feel it is harmful for their health…are we infringing on their rights by not offering cigarettes? Silly thought to most in this day and age, but 50 years ago, cigarettes were thought to be harmless, too. And at one time, a bit of arsenic was a popular cure all as well.
Do you think I am doing this because it is fun? Just to stir up a little trouble? Because I am bored and have nothing better to do?
I am practicing medicine. I am doing and saying what I believe is the right thing for my patients because the oath I took way back in medical school was “First, do no harm”, not “First, do what everybody else thinks is right because someone who seems important said so”. I was that nerd in medical school who enjoyed journal club and picking apart poorly done research articles and the drug reps touting such. I have been researching vaccine safety for over 3 years now and have probably read thousands of articles on the subject as well as the position statements from the CDC, FDA, and other health governing boards. I have revisited my education in immunology, microbiology, and the principles of infectious disease. I have seen and listened first hand to accounts from patients on symptoms that have occurred following a variety of vaccines. I have witnessed the decline in “sick visits” among children and the elderly since changing my practice recommendations on vaccines.
I am not trying to be a radical – my conclusions just happen to fall 180 degrees opposite of the status quo. That does not make them wrong, it makes them different.
I am willing to debate, discuss, and educate anyone who cares to do the same. That is how we learn. That is how misinformation is discovered and corrected. That is how science and medicine move forward.
I am very willing to be wrong if it furthers my ability to do what is right by my patients and the world as a whole. "
Which comes back to why I felt such a particular warmth in my heart on seeing that brief, but illustrative, handwritten statement - just because your opinion/appearance/thought process/whatEVER might fall on the opposite side of the "status quo", it does not make you wrong, just different.
Monday, October 3, 2011
"I Told You So"
M.V. is a 60+ year old patient of mine who has terrible, terrible lung disease and a fairly bad case of denial (he still smokes).
I saw him last fall, just prior to flu vax season, and warned him (wait, no...educated him...I must learn proper terminology lest be accused of spreading propaganda again!) about the dangers of the flu vaccine, especially given his multiple, delicate health conditions. I had likewise educated his wife (an RN on chemotherapy) recently.
M.V. went to see one of his subspecialist physicians a couple of weeks after I spoke with him, and was dutifully offered and given the seasonal flu vax and pneumonia vax on the same day.
I saw him 18 days later for an acute clinic visit. He reported fever and chills the night he got the vaccines, and then developed a croupy cough, increased shortness of breath, and generalized malaise for the week following. He presented to the ED 6 weeks following that with a several week history of increased cough and shortness of breath.
To make a long story short, he was septic (overwhelming bacterial infection) from a bacteria called Haemophilus influenza (of the "garden variety" type) and later also turned up positive for MRSA in his sputum. He was critically ill for over a week, and spent almost 3 weeks in the hospital. He had several complications including heart failure and kidney failure. There were several times that I really wasn't sure if he was going to make it through the whole ordeal. His wife, who shares the same bed, and was on chemo at the time, DID NOT get any vaccines, and was on Vitamin D therapy as I had prescribed. She did not get sick, despite her exposures.
The same patient presented last week to the ED with a week history of cough, fever, and not feeling good. He ended up testing positive for Influenza B (state lab has not reported subtype yet). He did not get any vaccines this year (nor will ever, he tells me). He still smokes. He is still non compliant with his pulmonary medications and oxygen. HOWEVER...he never required more than a nasal canula for supplemental oxygen, he was never on the verge of respiratory failure, his heart condition flared a little, his kidney flared a little, but he was never on the brink of death or other catastrophic outcome. He did test positive once again for MRSA in his sputum (his wife later told me that he did during the summer as well, but docs at that time opted against treating), and responded beautifully to ORAL antibiotic therapy. I was able to discharge him after only 7 days in the hospital.
Folks, he HAD INFLUENZA!!! And it wasn't a big deal (Ok, I did treat with high dose Vit D and C which seemed to help)...last year he had his so calledly protective immunizations and almost died....coincidence? I don't think so...
I saw him last fall, just prior to flu vax season, and warned him (wait, no...educated him...I must learn proper terminology lest be accused of spreading propaganda again!) about the dangers of the flu vaccine, especially given his multiple, delicate health conditions. I had likewise educated his wife (an RN on chemotherapy) recently.
M.V. went to see one of his subspecialist physicians a couple of weeks after I spoke with him, and was dutifully offered and given the seasonal flu vax and pneumonia vax on the same day.
I saw him 18 days later for an acute clinic visit. He reported fever and chills the night he got the vaccines, and then developed a croupy cough, increased shortness of breath, and generalized malaise for the week following. He presented to the ED 6 weeks following that with a several week history of increased cough and shortness of breath.
To make a long story short, he was septic (overwhelming bacterial infection) from a bacteria called Haemophilus influenza (of the "garden variety" type) and later also turned up positive for MRSA in his sputum. He was critically ill for over a week, and spent almost 3 weeks in the hospital. He had several complications including heart failure and kidney failure. There were several times that I really wasn't sure if he was going to make it through the whole ordeal. His wife, who shares the same bed, and was on chemo at the time, DID NOT get any vaccines, and was on Vitamin D therapy as I had prescribed. She did not get sick, despite her exposures.
The same patient presented last week to the ED with a week history of cough, fever, and not feeling good. He ended up testing positive for Influenza B (state lab has not reported subtype yet). He did not get any vaccines this year (nor will ever, he tells me). He still smokes. He is still non compliant with his pulmonary medications and oxygen. HOWEVER...he never required more than a nasal canula for supplemental oxygen, he was never on the verge of respiratory failure, his heart condition flared a little, his kidney flared a little, but he was never on the brink of death or other catastrophic outcome. He did test positive once again for MRSA in his sputum (his wife later told me that he did during the summer as well, but docs at that time opted against treating), and responded beautifully to ORAL antibiotic therapy. I was able to discharge him after only 7 days in the hospital.
Folks, he HAD INFLUENZA!!! And it wasn't a big deal (Ok, I did treat with high dose Vit D and C which seemed to help)...last year he had his so calledly protective immunizations and almost died....coincidence? I don't think so...
Vaccine stories
Well, I have figured out I don't have the time to create and blog about various topics of interests like I would like to, BUT, I do encounter a rich variety of odds and ends that I would like to catalog and save for future reference.
So, next up...a daily, or almost daily log of the various vaccine reactions that I encounter on a day to day basis!
Feel free to comment :)
So, next up...a daily, or almost daily log of the various vaccine reactions that I encounter on a day to day basis!
Feel free to comment :)
Friday, September 9, 2011
"I Don't Know....
Google: ...but I will find out."
"I don't know" has to be among the most difficult phrases a doctor must utter from time to time. Well, let me adjust that comment...must is not quite correct. There are some that will not say it, regardless of whether they are speaking to a patient, friend, or family member.
Where these 3 meager words acquired their cloak of darkness I do not know. It must have been somewhere along the way when physicians began to embrace their status of "God".
None of us have or ever will have complete knowledge of ANYTHING. Get used to it. It is OK. It is exciting - to not know everything lends an opportunity every single day to learn something new - as long as one takes the extra step of trying to learn.
As for those who insist that they DO know far, far away. That person is dangerous. Either they do not know what they do not know, or they lie.
'via Blog this'
"I don't know" has to be among the most difficult phrases a doctor must utter from time to time. Well, let me adjust that comment...must is not quite correct. There are some that will not say it, regardless of whether they are speaking to a patient, friend, or family member.
Where these 3 meager words acquired their cloak of darkness I do not know. It must have been somewhere along the way when physicians began to embrace their status of "God".
None of us have or ever will have complete knowledge of ANYTHING. Get used to it. It is OK. It is exciting - to not know everything lends an opportunity every single day to learn something new - as long as one takes the extra step of trying to learn.
As for those who insist that they DO know far, far away. That person is dangerous. Either they do not know what they do not know, or they lie.
'via Blog this'
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Something new!
I am hoping to create a forum for the discussion of "real medicine" topics - the kind of thing you cannot find at your Dr's office, on Dr. Oz's website, or at your local pharmacy counter.
There are so many facets of medicine today that have been tainted by greed and power, it is virtually impossible to stray away from the mainstream line of thinking without being labeled as "a quack" or "out there".
I feel that we have forgotten our fathers, so to speak, and the roots of modern day medicine lie not in the newest technological advances, but in the basic building blocks of the earth: sunshine, water, and fertile soil.
The more our society tries to move away from these basic building blocks, via unnatural foods, manipulation of our immune system, and unnatural work conditions, the further we tumble into the current epidemic of obesity, cancer, depression, and generally poor health.
Fortunately I have woken from the spell placed upon me, so here I go....please have patience with this site as I navigate this wonderful new tool for publicizing the solutions to issues that I see at my office everyday, or at least providing some "food for thought" about them.
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